Tuesday, August 11, 2009

~to the fair we go~

We are slowly etching away at our summer 'to do' list; crossing more and more off every week. We decided to go to a local fair the other week and had a blast! It was a typical country fair which is exactly what I wanted my daughter to experience.

Here's a view as we drove up...

Rides aren't exactly my most favorite part of a fair, so we mixed going on rides with visiting the barns~

I decided not to get too close to this fellow, I've heard they can spit and I wasn't willing to stick around and find out.

This calf was the SWEETEST~he had the softest fur...

This poor momma pig had ten babies pullin' at her and all she wanted to do was sleep. See the little piglet by her face? He was biting her nose the whole time trying to get her to wake up~she didn't budge though!

Luckily we still have fairs running well into September so we hope to hit a few more up before the season ends! But in all honestly I'm more excited about the fair food~funnel cakes, corn dogs, french fries, cotton candy~ooohhh I'm making myself hungry!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

~~Lola Bean~~

Introducing the newest member of our family...

Her name is Lola Bean...

and she already loves my daughter...

she's got the most kissable face...

She will be joining our family in 2 weeks once she's weaned from her momma and the adventure begins!

Friday, August 7, 2009

~beautiful blue~

My lovely daughter finally picked out a paint color for her room and it was a total shocker! She's a purple girl through and through but to my surprise she chose blue! A lovely light shade that reminds me of water and has a name very fitting 'Clearwater'. The room has been prepped, primed and painted. It took a whopping THREE coats of primer to get rid of the log cabin theme.

Here's some before pictures as a reminder...

I did feel a little guilty painting over all of the hard work that went into hand painting everyone of those scenes. But only a little guilty. Just a smidgen.

Here are a few after pics. The carpet is in the process of being ripped up and removing the tack strips. The previous owners decided to refinish the floors the same way they did in the other rooms: with area rugs still in place. So I have a nice 1 1/2 foot border of a completely different finish. Guess what? I'm paintin' over it with a nice purty white.

I have some lovely white accents to add to the room. I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

~wallpaper free & lovin' it~

So I've been M.I.A. for quite some time but I promise to be posting much more often. House progress is coming along slowly, but it's still coming. I've gotten all of the wallpaper down in the living room now! The only wallpaper left is on the landing and hallway upstairs. Here's the before of the living room and the lovely wallpaper:

another picture of the wallpaper:

Here's the after:

I still need to wash and prime the walls...

Paint colors have almost all been picked out...so stay tuned...