So it finally happened!!!! I closed on my house today! After four long crazy months it's MINE!!!!!!!!!! Can't you tell I'm a bit excited? After I closed on the house my mom took my daughter and I out for dinner-it was yummy! Then I took my mom over to the house to give her the 'grand' tour and guess what? I forgot my camera to take pictures to show you all!!! It looks even better now that it's mine! Now comes the fun stuff-the painting and decorating!
The grass is super long so I've got to get over there asap to get it fixed up. I'm still trying to figure out how I want my garden to look-my daughter's one request is to have LOTS and LOTS of color! The only picture that I have that I really want to do in my side yard is this:

I would love to have a white picket fence on the side on my house around the garden with a stone walkway like the one above. Little bird baths, peonies, hostas, lilies, daisies, cleome, you name it and I want it in my garden! I can't wait!!